Commentsfrom NORAD Spokesman

This afternoon I spoke with a Marine Corp. Major with NORAD and theUnited States Space Command, Major Mike Snyder. Major Snyder is a commandspokesman for both NORAD and the US Space Command. He was reached throughthe Peterson Air Force Base operator at 719-556-7321,

When asked about the event taking place near Washington D.C. on Fridaymorning, July 26, 2002, Major Snyder said that he could handle some briefquestions. Although he was unfamiliar with specific details such as theexact time NORAD detect the unidentified aircraft, he said that he knewthe object was tracked by radar. When asked if the radar detection wasfrom more than one radar sensor, he said "I don't know." Major Snyder wasnot aware of any other method of detection employed by NORAD in this instance,such as pilot, tower controller or satellite observation

He was not briefed on the estimated location of the object when firstdetected and would not disclose the estimated speed or altitude of theobject when first detected, saying only that it met the criteria of a 'smallprivate aircraft.'

Major Mike Snyder was not aware of any video or photographic documentationof the unidentified aircraft.

"Keeping things at the NORAD level," Major Snyder said, "this was atrack of interest. It was viewed as a reasonable security precaution toascertain the intentions of the track and implement a graduated response."

Major Snyder said that in extreme circumstances, such a response mayinclude use of lethal force.

"It never entered restricted DC airspace," Major Synder said while refusingto comment further about what point the radar track ultimately raised concerns.

Major Snyder did not think that the Secret Service was alerted to thesituation at any point.

"NORAD is absolutely not concerned about this situation," Major Snydersaid. "We posture our forces according to the threat and at no time didthis incident involve any threat to our country. It was an innocuous happening."

When asked if NORAD was aware of civilian sightings of a UFO before,simultaneous or after their detection of the unidentified aircraft, MajorSnyder said: "I don't have any info on that."

Major Snyder was also asked if he felt the civilian sightings of a UFOwere correlated to the jet dispatch or if the news media had drawn an inappropriatelinkage. "I don't have any opinion on it, but since 9-1-1 we've been operating23,000 sorties and many of these missions will generate requests for info,"he said, "and whenever people see something since 9-1-1 they call the media.The media calls us and word gets around."

When asked if he could recall the first news media operation to contacthim regarding the story, he said: "I can't recall. All the big names havebeen calling though."

When asked for his opinion on the discrepancy between civilian reportsof the jets in pursuit of a UFO and pilot claims to have seen nothing,Major Snyder said: "People see what they want to see. What these peoplereported could have been exhaust from the jet itself, depending on whetheror not the pilot was on or off afterburners. We don't think it was a UFO."

When Major Snyder was asked if there was an explanation for the unidentifiedradar track, he said: "In this situation we found nothing at all. The radarreturn may have been caused by a small plane flying low, and sometimesthat will cause them to drop on or off the radar."

Major Snyder was asked of a Washington Post report that states the radarreturn 'faded' from sight, and he said: "I don't have any info on this.But it's not uncommon for either routine or unidentified radar returnsto fade. Sometimes a plane will simply come down and land on a small airportin the area or on a grassy strip."

The Command Spokesman was then asked if he could inform of a location,speed and altitude the object was last observed, and he said: "I cannotget into this with any specificity."

Our discussion then focused on the dispatch of the ANG jets of the 113thFighter Group out of Andrews Air Force Base and he suggested that I consultwith ANG public affairs in this regard. I inquired if the radar returnsof the responding fighter jets were visible simultaneous to the radar observationof the unidentified object and he said: "You know, I don't know the answerto that. It's a good question. I don't know if the jets appeared simultaneouson radar with the object but would not be certain if that information iseven releasable due to operational policy."

Major Snyder went on to add that there are many issues of operationalpolicy and readiness that can't be discussed for security reasons. He wasthanked for his time and I asked that he research the radar issue concerningthe simultaneous track of the jets and the unidentified aircraft and thatI would call him back next week for follow up.

SATURDAY, July 27, 2002
UFO Research

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