Windsor, Ontario Canada 'Stunt'

 �Flying Saucers� Rain From The Sky in Windsor
Hopes Of Getting Flying Disc Rewards Dashed

Hopes of collecting $3,000 reward from three cities � Chicago, Los Angeles and Spokane � which offered $1,000 each for anyone �getting his hands on a flying disc,� were built up and then shattered for many Windsorites this morning. About 2,000 discs �actually pie plates- were thrown from two airplanes hired by The Star which wanted to know Windsor�s reaction to an invasion of �flying saucers.� Top photo shows an aerial view of one airplane dumping discs over the city. Star Staff Photographer Jack Dalgleish snapped the shot from the other airplane. Lower left shows two Star carrier boys who had dreams of collecting a reward shattered when they found out the disc they are holding was made of cardboard. Left is Stanley Fields, 13, of 1290 Oullette Avenue, and right, Jerry Murphy, 11, of 2287 Dougall Avenue. Centre shows some of the discs as they floated to earth. Right is Artist Fred Black�s conception of a flying saucer which was allegedly seen Sunday night by Mrs. E. R. Myers of 419 Caroline Street.

End of article


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