Strange Happening
Report on Southern Ohio Bigfoot
Subject: Mike Stevens [changed for privacy purposes, name and phone number on file]. Stevens reported a suspected 'Bigfoot sighting' to the Internet Bigfoot Database.
Time of event: (specifics pending) 1997 Deer hunting season, Mid-day
Location: Near Peebles, Ohio (Adams County) on Davis Memorial Road (Across from the State Preserve [?]) One mile from GE/Peebles Test Operation property line.
Description: Two hunters (using bow and arrows) observed what appeared to be a large dark figure "walking or running" across a field. The unknown object traversed the region at an 'astonishing speed.' This year, in same location, witnesses were again at scene and heard a 'yelping cry' after dark, that seemed to be moving toward them. They admitted they were frightened and left. They had previously sighted deer crossing same location, and noted the differences in both size and appearance between the deer and the 'unknown object,' which was huge and moved swiftly.
Comments: Witness has assured me he will
take me to the scene where I can conduct the pending field investigation
and acquire more specific data. Other reported BIGFOOT
sightings have been acquired from independent sources within this exact
locality, dating back to 1981. An effort will also be made to contact the
second witness and acquire
his testimony.
The dispatcher on duty had no knowledge of any such reports, and even made inquiries with other policemen who were in the office. She said all animal matters are handled through the county sheriff's department. The dispatcher expressed fleeting interest in the reports which I briefly described, stating that a large 'primate or bear' had been reported by several persons near Steam Furnace Road. She said to contact the county sheriff regarding any such reports. The area around Davis Memorial Road is also within county jurisdiction, and not that of Peebles, she said.
Report filed:
FEBRUARY 13, 1998
Kenny Young
Creature Report from same area... 1985
Subject: Mike Walden [Name changed for privacy purposes, on file]. Walden verbally advised co-workers of a suspected 'Bigfoot sighting.' Information reached this researcher through a mutual acquaintance.
Time of event: Late October/early November, 1985. 6:30 or 7:00 p.m.
Location: Near Peebles, Ohio (Adams County) near Beaver Pond, between Jaybird Road and S.R. 73. Also near the GE/Peebles Test Operation property line.
Description: Human-like creature covered with dark-brown hair observed by four motorists while traversing through region.
Comments: During a telephone interview on Wednesday, February 18, 1998, with Mike Walden (name changed to protect witness privacy), more details were made available concerning a suspected 'Bigfoot' sighting from a locality in Adams County.
He was located through mutual contact with a fellow employee, who this writer has spoken with in the past.
Walden collects Indian artifacts, and is interested in Ohio Archeology. He sounded cognizant and intelligent, and is viewed by this researcher as a highly reliable witness.
It was in late October or early November of 1985 that Walden, employed within the region, was driving a truck near Beaver Pond, off of Jaybird Road and close to Route 73. He was on-duty with the company he works for, and also present were three other people. Their assignment was to 'pick up valves for fuel systems.'
The driver, Mr. Walden, glanced to his left and observed a human-like creature around 6-feet tall that was in a hollow. It caught his eye because it was moving, and he stopped the vehicle to observe.
"It was like some kind of human, but I didn't know what it was," Walden stated. "We didn't think it was a bear, and we watched it for about 5 or 10 seconds before it just 'blended in' with the surroundings."
Upon returning to the place of employment, Walden and the others advised their fellow co-workers. "We got some good jokes out of it, but we all told them there was a Bigfoot out there," he said.
At the time he observed the creature, Walden said he suspected right away that it could be a 'Bigfoot.'
"What else could it be?" he said.
Walden said the creature had an appearance of a human being, but was covered with dark brown hair. The creature was standing in the brush on the edge of dense woodland, and he thinks the creature may have been eating.
"It had a form like it was standing erect."
Walden claims that the creature disappeared from view by standing still. Upon doing so, it seemed to 'blend in' with the surroundings.
"It just quit moving and we lost track of it. It was getting late, we couldn't see it anymore so we left," he said.
The creature was situated on the edge of the woodland, several hundred feet from the road, where the vehicle had been parked. "I'd say it was at least several hundred feet away to where it was, so it was not close enough to make out any details like eyes or anything," he added.
The sighting occurred around 6:30 or 7:00 p.m., just before dark. The trees were losing their leaves at the time.
Walden added that the area where the sighting occurred is dense woodland and extremely remote. He also stated his knowledge of other wildlife in the region, including turkeys, deer, and coyotes. Several years ago, he said to have seen a large black panther or 'big bobcat' in the same area after 2:00 a.m.
He also said there had been sightings of a small black bear near Seaman Ohio on Lawshe Road. The game warden shot and killed two of the bears, each weighing an estimated 75 lbs.
Walden stated that the creature he observed was not a bear.
He did not know the present whereabouts of two of the witnesses involved, and felt that the third witness would not be inclined to speak of this experience to researchers.
FEBRUARY 18, 1998
Kenny Young
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