1864 UFO Crash...?

Special Note: I was advised of the following item by a spectator on Sunday, March 16th [1997] while attending a booth at the Cincinnati Convention Center. I had been working the table, and the stand was a UFO exhibit. There was moderate traffic, and frequently, the wandering spectators would stop to talk or ask questions. One particular gentleman approached and gave me the specific date and page number of an article he said 'I would be interested in.'

He said the article was regarding a crashed object which was found by a trapper. The object, he said, had rooms, and there were hieroglyphic writings found on it. I wrote down the date and name of the newspaper on the back of a business card, and the man walked away.

Over 1-month had passed before I had time to get to the library, and when I did, I kept the
business card with the name and date of the newspaper with me as I sought to verify his claim.
Strangely enough, I pulled the newspaper and bingo, his account was legit. The following is the
article in its entirety. I have not seen nor heard from the man since, but I gave him my business
card. I don't know how he would have known the specific date and page number of the article.

I don't recall hearing of this story before, so I can't say if it has already been researched. Has
anyone heard of this account before? If so, please let me know. [Posted on the internet on Friday, May 02, 1997]

Kenny Young

Newspaper: The Cincinnati Commercial
Date: October 30, 1865

(From the St. Louis Democrat, October 19)
A Strange Story
- A Messenger from the Celestial Regions
- A Stone Falls to the Ground with Characters Engraved Upon It

Mr. James Lumley, an old Rocky Mountain trapper, who has been stopping at the Everett House for several days, makes a most remarkable statement to us, and one, which if authenticated, will produce the greatest excitement in the scientific world.

Mr. Lumley states that about the middle of last September, he was engaged in trapping in the mountains, about seventy-five or one hundred miles above the great falls of the Upper Missouri, and in the neighborhood of what is known as Cadotte Pass. Just after sunset one evening he beheld a bright, luminous body in the heavens, which was moving with a great rapidity in an easterly direction. It was plainly visible for at least five seconds, when it suddenly separated into particles, resembling, as Mr. Lumley described it, the bursting of a skyrocket in the air. A few minutes later he heard a heavy explosion, which jarred the earth very preceptibly, and this was shortly after followed by a rumbling sound, like a tornado sweeping through the forest. A strong wind sprang up about the same time, but as suddenly subsided. The air was also filled with a peculiar odor of a sulphurous character.

These incidents would have made but slight impression on the mind of Mr. Lumley, but for the fact that on the ensuing day he discovered, at a distance of about two miles from his camping place, that, as far as he could see in either direction, a path had been cut through the forest, several rods wide - giant trees uprooted or broken off near the ground - the tops of hills shaved off, and the earth plowed up in many places. Great and wide-spread havoc was every-where visible. Following up this track of desolation, he soon ascertained the cause of it in the shape of an immense stone that had been driven into the side of a mountain. But now comes the most remarkable part of the story. An
examination of this stone, or so much of it as was visible, showed that it had been divided into compartments, and that, in various places, it was carved with curious hieroglyphics. More than this, Mr. Lumley also discovered fragments of a substance resembling glass, and here and there dark stains, as though caused by a liquid. He is confident that the hieroglyphics were the work of human hands, and that the stone itself, although but a fragment of an immense body, must have been used for some purpose by animated beings.

Strange as this story appears, Mr. Lumley relates it with so much sincerity that we are forced to accept it as true. It was evident that the stone which he discovered was a fragment of the meteor which was visible in this section in September last. It will be remembered that it was seen in Leavenworth, in Galena, and in this city by Colonel Bonneville. At Leavenworth, it was seen to separate in particles or explode.

End of article
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