A region already rampant with rumor and speculation, asrecently alleged in the Adams County People's Defender newspaper, has beendealt another blast of mystery and intrigue. A new crop formation foundsouthwest of the small town of West Union has residents and other observerswondering aloud if Southern Ohio is "ground zero" for mystery and strangeness.
Crop Circle investigator Jeffrey Wilson states: "Grounddescriptions of the formation is that there are at least six circles (possiblymore) in soybeans; one circle has a ring with 3 straight pathways extendingoff it. The description of the floor lay in the circles was thatit was impressive. Also, there may be two circular areas that lookto have been swirled down only about halfway - not all the way to the ground. The total size of the formation appears to smaller than the Locust Groveor Bainbridge formations, but still quite large."
Wilson adds that the farmer is planning on harvestingthe field Tuesday and that his team comprised of Ted Robertson, Roger Sugdenand others, will be at the scene as soon as possible. His report will appearat https://www.cropcirclenews.com
The latest formation only adds to a list of unusual activityalleged in recent months. A small compilation of recent Southern Ohio reportsare assembled below:
� Following a February2, 2002 UFO situation near Maysville, Kentucky, a number of similarreports began to surface from the Ohio River city of Portsmouth in themonths afterward. One Portsmouth resident claiming that he would sightan unusual object in the late night hours as it hovered in the vicinityof the bridges.
� On May 1, 2003, a UFO was seen near Ashland,Kentucky. The black triangular object, the size of a small car, allegedlyflew near the Route 60 Bridge.
� On May 3rd in Flemingsburg,Kentucky, a crop circle appeared in a rye field along Tea Run Road.According to the initial witnesses, including Fleming County Sheriff JerryWagner, the donut-shaped formation was a perfect circle 50-yards in diameter.
� On June 2nd, a resident of WestChester, Ohio reported a dramatic UFO sighting near his residence thatwas accompanied by a local power failure. The witness, awakened around2:30 AM by the beeping sound of a battery backup to his computer, detectedthe smell of ozone and went to his window to see an odd object in the sky.The disk-shaped object was compared to the size of a bus with bright lightsspinning very fast. The lights spun so fast they almost appeared to strobeor pulsate.
� On June 6 at 2:30 a.m. in Monroe,Ohio, a Butler County resident observed an unusual bulb-shaped UFOat a 1,000-foot elevation, traveling from a south to northwest direction.At the moment the object was directly overhead, the witness claims he lostsatellite reception and the lights in his house dimmed.
� And at 11:00 p.m. on August 22 in Hillsboro,Ohio, an enormous object was seen in the eastern sky. Cincinnati UFOInvestigator Donnie Blessing was told that multiple witnesses observeda circular object that had a rotating set of white lights around the center,with one of the lights shining down on the ground.
� And two days later in nearby LocustGrove, Ohio, a crop circle was discovered in a soybean field acrossfrom the legendary Serpent Mound Indian Burial Ground in Adams County.
� Following separate reports of UFOs sighted in Bethel,Ohio and objects videotaped from Bainbridge, Akronand Canton, residentsin Proctorvilleand Chesapeake, Ohio complained of mysterious flashing lights "chasingeach other" on Sunday and Monday nights, Aug. 31 & Sept. 1. The LawrenceCounty Sheriffs Department received phone calls inquiring about the lights,as did television stations WOWK and WSAZ.
� Shortly afterward, a spectacular Crop Formation wasdiscovered near theSiep Mound Indian Burial Ground in Ross County, Ohio.
� Ohio UFO Sightings Continued on September 13, 2003,when an Adams County resident reported a tremendousobject seen near Belfast. A total of four witnesses spoke of a triangular-shapedformation of lights on one large object, the lights reportedly flashedin sequence and would simultaneously alternate in color from pinkish-red,blue, white to yellow. The triangular arrangement of lights were comprisedof 4-or 5 lights with the peak of the triangle facing downward, at thebottom.
� On Monday evening, Sept. 22 around 7:30 pm, a massiveUFO was sighted in FranklinCounty, Ohio. A motorist traveling on Beaverbrook Road observed a colossaldisc-shaped object floating silently overhead. The witness, interviewedat length by the National Institute for Discovery Science and MUFON investigators,said the monstrous object seen near Ghanna, Ohio, was floating silentlyover the treetops.
� On September 23, Mason County, Kentucky schoolteacherMartha Franklin and her husband Michael captured strange images on a "deersurveillance camera" mounted in woodland on their property in Ellsberry,Ohio. The photographs, published in the Adams County People's Defendernewspaper, seem to challenge rational explanation. The camera, used tophotograph wildlife, can be triggered by motion or a heat source, and documentedseveral photographs, one showing a saucer shaped light source above thetreeline.
� And at 10:30 p.m. on September 24, a resident of Franklin,Ohio contacted Wright Patterson Air Force Base to report a remarkableUFO seen in the sky near her Butler County home. A medical assistant, sheand her three children spotted a strange pattern of huge green flashinglights when approaching her residence in the Heartland subdivision.
� On Wednesday, October 15, Mr. Stuart Linder of Hamilton,Ohio, spotted an object that was hovering over the Hamilton High Schoolin Hamilton, Ohio. The UFO, described as a multi-colored "upside down diamond,"rotated in place, emanating a 'glow' for about 10-minutes before speedingaway to the west.
The undeniable upsurge of UFO and crop circle reportshave flummoxed the few and unfunded UFO researchers who try to track anddocument the many claims. Will the challenge of UFO investigation revealevidence of UFO visitation, and will the spate of sighting activity continueto befuddle a region already tender from its share of unusual activity?Perhaps only time will tell.
For more information or to report a UFO sightings, contact
Cincinnati UFO Research hotline = 513-588-4548
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